Our team list

  • Olufemi Boyede (CITP/FIBP)


    with over 3 decades as an international consultant across 4 continents, the Certified International Trade Professional leads the team

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  • ‘Bayo Ayo


    Mr. Ayo has extensive experience in the active practice of law, spanning both private and public sectors of the economy.

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    Associate Consultant

    As we help other companies grow, she helps us grow. She handles all the internal work at WP consulting and ensures that employees and stakeholders are happy....

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  • ‘Seyifunmi Adebote

    Director of Programs/Media

    Seyifunmi Adebote is a journalist with over six years’ experience in both media and print industry.

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  • Gabriel Zumse

    Logistic Officer

    For over a decade, Gabriel has worked with Koinonia Ventures Limited in the capacity of Logistic Officer.

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  • Florence Okogun

    Front Desk Officer

    Tax laws and regulations are some of the most complicated and infuriating parts of the financial industry. Which is why we are lucky to have Him as our head...

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How can we help you?

Would you like to meet with one of our lead consultants? (physically or virtually – via Skype) Schedule an appointment here.

Femi is an embodiment of knowledge who knows so much and is grounded in the field of International Trade and Investment. His passion and knowledge embellish his professionalism in efficiently delivering his consultancy services. Africa needs folks like him to grow her economy.

Mrs. Uju Aisha Hassan-Baba
Former Executive Secretary/CEO, Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC)

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